Hospice Care
What Is Hospice Care?
What Are The Qualifications For Hospice?
Will insurance cover hospice care?
We are here to help answer this questions and many more.
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(626) 800-1346
(626) 800 – 1346

Your Guide To Hospice Care
It’s difficult when families discuss of end of life care for a loved one. However, it is definitely worth having as it’s vital that you ensure your loved one is as comfortable as possible during this difficult process, and that they receive the level of treatment they desire.
Looking to find out more about hospice care? Take the time to learn with us so you’re able to make an informed decision about the care of your special relative.
What Is Hospice Care?
Hospice care is a treatment that is frequently provided in the patient’s home. However, a patient can receive treatment in a nursing homes and other long-term care facilities. If unhappy throughout, the patient has the freedom to stop a hospice service whenever they want.
The philosophy of end of life care focuses on caring and comfort during this time. The main goal in mind is to help patients obtain the best quality of life in their end of life stage. Hospice care staff offer a wide range of care, whether it’s physical or emotional symptoms that cause pain, distress, or discomfort.
Hospice care services are specifically designed to focus on the patient’s needs and wishes. In addition, you, the loved one; are also able to receive support.
There are certain conditions that qualify for a patient to be placed on hospice care. This certification usually states that they have a life expectancy of fewer than 6 months.
Hospice Services
• Home Health Aides
• Spiritual Counseling
• Social Services
• Dietary Counseling
• Physical Therapy
• Speech Therapy
• Pain Control/Management
• Medications Relating To Hospice Diagnosis
• Home Medical Equipment
• Inpatient Care
• Respite Care For Caregivers
• Bereavement Support
• Volunteer Assistance
• Medical Supplies And Equipment
• Music Therapy
The Benefits Of Hospice Care
● Professional pain and symptom management. This helps patients stay as comfortable as possible at all times.
● The family of the patient, along with the patients themselves, receive emotional support.
● A part of the hospice care service allows patients choices to be followed when it comes to their end of life care.
● Hospice care is available 24/7. If the patient was to require a nurse after usual business hours, most hospices have registered nurses who are able to respond to a call for help within minutes.
● Patients receive assistance with practical tasks like bathing and feeding if required. In addition, some hospice services also include workers that will help with errands, household chores, and lending emotional support.
How Golden Pathways Can Help
At Golden Pathways, we know just how difficult this time can be. That’s why we work for the benefit of the people when it comes to end of life care. Our hospice partners continuously influence and guide our work so we make sure that we put the people at the center of everything we do.
If you need a hospice referral, we’re here. We work with many hospice agencies to help you or your loved ones with fast and immediate service. If you’re searching to find assistance, or you’re just looking for that shoulder to learn on – we’ve got you covered.